Jeremy Inabnit

Personal Trainer | Ultrarunning Coach

Health and fitness have always been an important part of my life. I started this journey just wanting to look good and compete in a few bodybuilding contests. Now in my 40s, my goals have changed and I'm more focused on feeling strong and athletic and being physically and mentally capable to take on any adventure, especially in the world of ultrarunning. And as a father to a little boy, I want to move well and feel good for many many years.

If you have some fitness or athletic goals you want to go after, I'd be happy to get on a call with you and see if I can help you get there. I take on clients from all over the world who want to work on:

Body recomposition (muscle gain/fat loss)
Hybrid athlete training
Stage race training

In person training is available for clients living in Vaasa, Finland.

Certified Personal Trainer (NASM)
Certified Nutrition Coach (NASM)
PN L1 Nutrition Coach (PN)
Ultrarunning Coach (UESCA)

Atacama Crossing 2023